I’m hyper excited to present my latest product:

A WHOPPING 42 all new Verbal examples from the field!














Audio 1 Intro

  • What you’ll be learning and its structure.
  • This material only includes what worked in extensive testing.

All short and fast, and quick to the new material….


Audio 2 Hooks: ( Time 1:06.00)

  • Hook maker structure. Make your own hooks easily.
  • Extra hooks techniques. New hook stuff since my Seduction MMA.
  • hook to the move/venue shift extras. New post hook stuff since Seduction MMA.

Then you learn specific verbal topics and wordings, as I act them out for you….

1. Suitcase Pimp: Hook a sex worker or fitness chick by demonstrating that you have insight and wisdom in to how to manage her.
2. Powerball: Show domain over the way she thinks and experiences things.
3. The artist: Describe her reality to hook.
4. Brother Louie: A pre-hook universal frame, I like for post 30 aged women.
5. City game: A standard hook with a psychic twist.
6. Infamous: A hook with a transition to sexual arousal gambit.
7. The sixth day: A standard hook with the ability to transition into sexual arousal.
8. Vaccum trance out: Super innocuous hook to show understanding of how she thinks.
9. What are you!: Easy simple hook to flirt when you can’t fully game, are with family or business partners etc
10. Text trance: Get her wanting to see you face to face with a text game.
11. The teacher: Hook to a lead in of teaching her a system from pickup game. Great authority frame, highly entertaining.
12. The guru: A Reverse sexual state induction. You make her seduce you without realizing she is doing it. NOT too good to be true! This works for women and men by the way.
13. Significant stories: Make instant friends with women or men, with an option to hook easier after.


Audio 3 Emotional stimulation: ( Time 00:32:24)

  • When you know its landed.

1. First Salvo – test her brain see if she is creative and outgoing, smart but introverted, just a trash, AND emotionally stimulate her as its done with ONE SENTENCE!
2. I’m your Loverboy. Covertly make her question her entire idea of love, then show her you understand it completely.
3. The Taylor Swift. Make her feel feelings of jealousy of another woman and frustration for a man.
4. Total Recall. Someplace between a hook and an emotional stimulation. Demonstrate insight into her past experiences, while she has a great time speaking to you.
5. No one else matters. Cause her to see you as having deep insight into her mind, AND time distort her to feel as if she can do whatever she wants without judgment by her friends in one gambit.
6. The Jokers. A fun bit you can use to get her focus fully on you, AND challenge her to perform for you.
7. Jolene. Create depression and angst in her for negative stimulation. For trashy women, sex abuse and domestic violence victims, messed up party chicks etc.
8. The stonewall. A way to emotionally stimulate her mid game to transition to a sex gambit or close easier.
9. Seven deadly sins. Covert influence at its finest. You cause her to feel several strong states of love in negative desperate ways.
10. Possession. Make her long to be controlled by a dominant man.
11. Gobbity gobity goo! A fun game to make her feel hyper-connected to you.


Audio 4 Sexual arousal: ( Time 00:46:19)

  • When you know its landed.
  • Calibration. When to watch and when to not in learning this.

1. Seduce ME! Another reverse state induction in another format.
2. True lies. Get her turned on covertly with a simple conversation in a reverse role play.
3. American whore story. Covertly, with all verbals only, play into any hidden forced sex fantasies she might have to turn her on.
4. Mario and Wario part 1. Make her imagine being cheated on by a player and it turning her on secretly.
5. Her very own sex tape. Get her imagining the kinkiest she can be as part of a game/frame you covertly introduce.
6. Mario and Wario part 2, the evil twin. Make her imagine being completely dominated and controlled by a man she secretly doesn’t want to leave.
7. The sexorcism. A crazy, funny, weird, amazing interesting real life story I went through, that turns women on like crazy when they hear it.
8. Acronym arousal. An easy to remember sequence to run a gambit that will stimulate her sexually in 4 different ways to cover several bases of types of women.
9. Magic Vibrator. Twist (pun) on an old joke and a way to turn her on (pun) with it.


Audio 5 Social frame: (Time 00:30:23)

  • The difference between Social frame and other keys in how you’ll see it happen and click on in her.
  • How social frames should be structured.

1. What else? Make her invest in the interaction.
2. If you only had a brain. Make her invest more.
3. Gimme more. Make her invest more.
4. Weakling. Make her realize (think) you are better than her socially even if she is crushing it.
5. Value and Trust.  A simple easy to remember technique to inject scenarios in her mind that will benefit you.
6. Now I see. Make her realize how you aren’t like other guys when it comes to her. Yeah right.
7. My boys!. Casually show her you aren’t an outlier, that you can handle and wrangle other men, and more.
8. Crushing it. Dynamite “what do you do?” reply. A covert brag that isn’t detected like normal bragging because of its structure.
9. Eraser. A STRONG new way around the “I have a boyfriend” objection.


An INSANE 42 new Verbal examples from the field you can put in your toolbox with women in under 3 hours!

PLUS I will be transcribing ALL of these AND all of the original Hooks, Emotional Stimulators, Sexual Arousal and Social Frame gambits from Seduction MMA into one big master source ebook or web page.  So you can not only listen to my examples but also read them to refresh quickly in public.  I’ll email you that free as soon as it is available.


Click here to listen now…



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